1.    The Bible is Inspired by God: The Bible is the inspired Word of God.  It is accurate, authoritative, and applicable to our everyday lives.

2.    There is only One True God: There is only ‘One True God’ who is the Creator of all things.  He exists in three Persons:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

3.    Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of the World: Jesus Christ is the Son of God Savior of the world, and the only means for humanity to be reconcile us to God.  Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross in our place, and rose from the dead.

4.    Man was Created Good by God but because of Sin was Separated from God: 

Man was created good by God, but sin tarnished that goodness and separated humanity from God. Jesus Christ has provided the way to be reconciled to God.

5.    Salvation is Received Through Repentance to God and Faith in Jesus Christ: Salvation is received through personal repentance (turning from a life of sin) to God and embracing faith in Jesus Christ, followed by a submission to the Lord’s will for our lives.

6.    Water and Spirit Baptism, along with Communion Offer Grace and Power for Believers: In order to live the holy and fruitful life that God intends, believers need to be baptized in water and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.  Holy Communion symbolize the life sacrificed by Jesus Christ and should be celebrated regularly in the life of a believer.

7.    Sanctification is a Personal Journey of Faith where a Follower of Christ Seeks to Live a Godly Life by the Power of the Holy Spirit: Sanctification is a life set apart for God’s service. It is realized most effectively by obedience to the scriptures and the power of the Holy Spirit.

8.    The Mission of the Local Church is Worship, Evangelism, Discipleship and Compassion: Loving God (worship), telling others about God (evangelism), along with growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ (discipleship) and loving others in word and deed (compassion), is the mission of every local church.

9.    Jesus Christ will Return to Establish the Kingdom of God Upon the Earth: The second coming of Jesus Christ is the true hope for the ‘Church’ and the ‘World’.  

10.   All Humankind is Eternal and Are Personally Accountable to God: Our lives are ultimately responsible to the God that created us.