Hot Topics: Modern Family (Raeford Moore)
Human Sexuality
In this sermon, Pastor Terry preaches on the subject of ‘Human Sexuality.’ In that message, he talks about sex within biblical boundaries and what that means within our American culture.
Alcohol & Drugs
In this sermon, Pastor Terry preaches on the subject of ‘Alcohol and Drugs: Addiction and Steps Toward Genuine Freedom.’ In that message, he presents the biblical response to many questions being asked in our American culture.
Josh’s Story
We’ve all gone through dark seasons. ‘Josh’s Story’ is not only about surviving his ‘dark night of the soul’ but it also provides genuine hope for anyone currently in the midst of their own downward spiral.
Danielle’s Story
We live in a culture where addiction destroys lives and breeds chaos in families. ‘Danielle’s Story’ provides hope for those impacted by addiction and offers encouragement to families walking this very lonely and vulnerable journey.